Welcome to the National College of Ireland Archive.

The NCI Archive serves as the institutional memory of the College and plays an integral role in the management of the institution's information resources. The Archive takes its mission from the mission of the College:

  • by preserving essential evidence of the institution;
  • by providing information that promotes the mission of the institution internally and to the extended community;
  • by supporting the research of the faculty, students, and other scholars through access to information; and
  • by promoting further understanding through discovery and dissemination of knowledge.
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All materials in the NCI Archive are licensed under a Creative Commons
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Recently Added Items

NCI Presidents Award 2023 submission - Library Academic Support Centre.

LASC video thumbnail option 3.PNG

A video submitted by NCI's Library Academic Support Centre for consideration for the 2023 NCI Presidents Award.

NCI Presidents Award 2023 submission - Norma Smurfit Library


A video submitted by NCI Library for consideration for the 2023 NCI Presidents Award, featuring information and images about prior iterations of the…

Quantitative Guide to Dissertation Construction 2018

Quantitative Guide to Dissertation Construction 2018.pdf

A quantitative guide on how to use the SPSS Statistical Analysis Package in research and dissertation construction.

Statistical Formulae and Tables for Postgraduate Students 2018

Statistical Formulae and Tables PG 2018.pdf

A booklet with essential statistical formulae and tables for the use of postgraduate students of the National College of Ireland.

Statistical Formulae and Tables for Postgraduate Students 2015

Statistical Formulae and Tables PG 2015.pdf

A booklet with essential statistical formulae and tables for the use of postgraduate students of the National College of Ireland.